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How to Install the Multimedia Starter Pack

This document contains installation procedures for each of the CD discs in the Gateway 2000 Multimedia Starter Pack.

Sitting on the Farm
Mayo Clinic Family Health Book
Better Homes and Gardens Healthy Cooking
Mad Dog McCree
The Lawnmower Man
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing!
World Atlas
US Atlas

How to Install Sitting on the Farm

This application requires Microsoft Windows for installation and playing the game.

Software installation

  1. Insert the Sitting on the Farm CD disc in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line, type


    and click on OK to begin the installation. The screen will briefly flash and the Sitting on the Farm installation complete window will appear. Click on OK to return to Windows.
  2. To access the game, make sure that the Sitting on the Farm CD is in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. From the Program Manager, double click on the I_Learn group. Double click on the Farm - English icon in the group to begin the game. Follow the instructions as you enter the game.

Note: If you have questions, queries or technical difficulties after installing this program, contact Sanctuary Woods at (415) 286-6110.

How to Install the Mayo Clinic Family Health Book CD

This program requires Microsoft Windows for installation and program operation.

Installation instructions

  1. Insert the Mayo Clinic Family Health Book CD in you CD-ROM drive, label side up. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line, type


    and press Enter to begin the installation.
  2. The Mayo Family Health Book Setup window will appear on your screen. Click on the Continue button. The following screen will ask you for the path to install the program to. C:\MAYO\HEALTH is the default answer. Click on Continue to accept this answer. The setup screen will briefly flash and inform you that the Mayo Family Health Setup was successful. Click on the OK button to return to Windows.
  3. The installation program creates a Mayo Clinic group in the Program Manager. Inside this group are the Family Health and ReadMe icons.
Note: If you have questions, queries or technical difficulties after installing this program, contact IVI Publishing at (800) 754-1484.

How to Install the Better Homes and Gardens Healthy Cooking CD

This program requires Microsoft Windows for installation and accessing the CD disc information.

Installation procedure

  1. Insert the Better Homes and Gardens Healthy Cooking CD in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line, type


    and press Enter to begin the installation.
  2. The B.H.& G. CD Cookbook installation screen will appear. The first window asks you if you wish to continue with the installation. Click on the YES button. The next screen asks you for the hard disk drive that you want the program to copy to. Click on OK to accept the default answer of C:. The next screen prompts you for the letter of your CD-ROM drive. Click on OK to accept the default answer of D: and continue.
  3. The next window asks you if you want the video to play double the normal size. Click on the YES button to continue. As the software installs, a percentage bar is displayed in the center of the screen. Once the setup is complete, click on the OK button to exit the installation program and return to Windows.
  4. The Program Manager will now have a new group B.H. & G. CD Cookbook. Double click on the group to open it. Double click on the icon called B.H. & G. CD Cookbook to begin the program.

Note: If you have questions, queries or technical difficulties after installing this program, contact Multicom at (206) 622-5530.

How to Install Mad Dog McCree

This is an MS-DOS based application that requires a minimum of 575K of free conventional memory.

Installation procedure

  1. Insert the Mad Dog McCree CD into your CD-ROM drive, label side up. At the c: prompt (outside Windows) type


    and press Enter. At the d: prompt, type


    and press Enter to begin the installation.
  2. The Maddog McCree Install v1.1 screen will appear. In the middle of the screen, the Path Control window appears. The letter name for your CD-ROM Drive should appear as D: and the Hard Drive Path should appear as c:\maddog\. Press Enter to accept these default answers and continue.
  3. The Game Control window will appear. The Faster Startup box will not have an X in it. Press Enter to accept this default and continue. You will then be asked if it is OK to Install? Press Enter to continue. The Create Directory? window will appear on the screen. Press Enter to have the directory for the game created on your hard drive.
  4. The final screen tells you how to enter the game and gives you information on the Readme.txt file. Press Enter to return to the c:\maddog prompt.
  5. Insert the Mad Dog McCree CD in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. At the c: prompt, type

    cd maddog

    and press Enter. At the c:\maddog prompt, type


    and press Enter to begin the game. The initial screen will show you a short video clip. To begin playing the game, click with you mouse on the Menu box in the lower left hand corner of the screen. That will bring up options for the game on the swinging bat wing doors.

Note: If you have questions, queries or technical difficulties after installing this program, contact IBM Multimedia at (800) 863-4263.

How to Install The Lawnmower Man CD

This is an MS-DOS based application that requires a minimum of 575K of free conventional memory.

Software Installation

  1. Insert the Lawnmower Man CD in your CD-ROM drive with the label side up. At the c: prompt in DOS, type


    and press Enter. At the d: prompt , type


    and press Enter to begin the installation program.
  2. The Lawnmower Man Install screen will appear. The first window asks you if you want to view the ReadMe.txt file. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to highlight NO and press Enter to continue. The Select CD-ROM Drive window will appear with D: for the letter name of your CD-ROM drive. Press Enter to accept this default and continue.
  3. The CD-ROM Benchmark screen will appear and test the performance of your CD-ROM drive. When it is finished, press any key to continue. The Hard Drive Installation screen will appear and the default drive to install the program to will be c:\lawn. Press Enter to accept this answer and continue.
  4. The Additional Install window will appear next. Once you have read the information on the screen, press Enter to accept the default size and continue with the software installation. As the files are copied to your hard drive, the Installing Files window will shade in like a percentage graph.
  5. The final screen informs you that the installation was completed successfully and give you the procedure to enter the game.
  6. To play the game, insert the Lawnmower Man CD in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. At the c: prompt in DOS, type

    cd lawn

    and press Enter. At the c:\lawn prompt, type


    and press Enter to begin the game.

Note: If you have questions, queries or technical difficulties after installing this program, contact Sony Imagesoft at (800) 654-8802.

How to Install Tuneland

This program requires Microsoft Windows for installation and playing the game.

Software Instructions

  1. Insert the Tuneland CD in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line, type


    and click on OK to begin the installation.
  2. A screen titled 7th LEVEL Setup will appear. Click on the Continue button to begin the installation. The Installation Options window will appear next. Make sure that Quick Installation is selected and click on the Continue button. Once the installation is complete, the Installation Message screen will appear. Once you have read through the information on the screen, click on the OK button to return to windows.
  3. To access the game, insert the Tuneland CD in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. Double click on the 7th Level group in the Program Manager. Double click on the Tuneland icon to enter the game.

Note: If you have questions, queries or technical difficulties after installing this program, contact 7th Level at (214) 437-4858 extension 2230.

How to Install the CD Deluxe Pack CD

These applications are installed and played through Windows.

Chessmaster Installation

  1. Insert the CD Deluxe Pack CD in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line type


    and click on OK to begin the installation. The Multi-Product CD Setup window will appear on your screen.
  2. Click on the Chessmaster button to bring up the Chessmaster 3000 Multimedia Setup window. After you have read the information contained in this window, click on Continue to accept the default directory of c:\mmcm3000. The screen will briefly flash as the software is copied to the hard drive. Once the installation program is finished, click on the OK button to return to Windows.
  3. To start Chessmaster 3000, make sure the CD Deluxe Pack CD is in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. Double click on the Chessmaster group from the Program Manager. Double click on the Chessmaster 3000 Multimedia icon to start the game.

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing!

  1. Insert the CD Deluxe Pack CD in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line type


    and click on OK to begin the installation. The Multi-Product CD Setup window will appear on your screen.
  2. Click on the Mavis Beacon button to bring up the Multimedia Mavis Beacon Setup window. Once you have read the information on the screen, click on the Continue button to install the software to the default directory of c:\maviswin. The screen will flash briefly as the software is being copied to your hard drive. Once the application is completely installed, click on the OK button to return to Windows.
  3. To begin the Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, make sure the CD Deluxe Pack CD is in your CD-ROM drive. Double click on the Mavis Beacon group from the Program Manager. Double click on the Mavis Beacon icon inside the group to begin the program.

World Atlas

  1. Insert the CD Deluxe Pack CD in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line type


    and click on OK to begin the installation.
  2. Click on the World Atlas button to begin the World Atlas MPC Setup program. Once you have read through the information on the screen, click on the Continue button to accept the default directory of c:\mmwa for installation of the software. The screen will flash briefly as the software is copied onto your hard drive. Once the software has finished copying , click on the OK button to return to the Program Manager in Windows.
  3. To start the World Atlas program, make sure the CD Deluxe Pack CD is in your CD-ROM drive. Double click on the World Atlas MPC group from the Program Manager. Double click on the World Atlas MPC to begin the program.

US Atlas

  1. Insert the CD Deluxe Pack CD in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line type


    and click on OK to begin the installation.
  2. Click on the US Atlas button to begin the Multimedia US Atlas Setup program. Once you have read through the screen, click on Continue to accept the default directory of c:\mmus for installation of the software. The screen will briefly flash as the files are copied to the hard drive. Once the software has finished installing, click on the OK button to return to the Program Manager in Windows.
  3. To begin the program, make sure the CD Deluxe Pack CD is in your CD-ROM drive, label side up. Double click on the Multimedia US Atlas group in the Program Manager. Double click on the MultiMedia US Atlas icon in the group to begin the program.

Note: If you have questions, queries or technical difficulties after installing this program, contact Software Toolworks at (415) 883-3000.

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