hide random home http://www.gateway2000.com/support/techsupt/fb/1100/1140.htm (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

How to Access the CMOS Setup Program

Every Gateway 2000 computer system has a program built into the hardware that enables you to set certain setup options for the system, for example, the system date and time, whether certain ports are active, what kinds of drives are installed, and other functions. The details vary from system to system. The setup programs are for the most part reasonably self-explanatory, but you can find detailed instructions in your User's Guide, and brief directions are always at the bottom of the setup screen.

Find your system below and follow its instructions to enter your setup program.

If your computer has a Phoenix BIOS:

To tell if your computer has a Phoenix BIOS, watch the screen carefully when you boot. One of the first lines to appear contains the word "Phoenix."

  1. If you are in Windows, exit to DOS.
  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Esc. The setup screen appears. If you have made certain changes to your system, or are having certain problems with your system, this may not work. If Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Esc doesn't open the setup program, follow these steps:
  3. (Leave the computer switched on.) Use the key to lock the keyboard.
  4. Press the Reset button on the front of the computer. A message appears asking you to unlock the keyboard
  5. Unlock the keyboard and press F2 to run the CMOS setup.

If you have a mini desktop computer:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S. This brings up the CMOS setup program.

If you have an EISA computer:

  1. Press the Reset button on the front of the computer, then press Ctrl+Alt+Esc immediately when the memory count begins. If this conbination doesn't work, use Crtl+Alt+S.

If your computer has an AMI BIOS:

To tell if your computer has the AMI BIOS, watch the screen carefully when you boot. One of the first lines to appear contains the word "AMI."
  1. Press the Reset button on the front of the computer. Watch the screen. After the memory count is complete, a message appears about pressing Delete to enter the setup program.
  2. Press Delete. After a few moments a menu appears on the screen.
  3. Move the highlight bar to RUN CMOS SETUP and press Enter. If you are prompted to choose Standard or Extended setup, choose Standard.

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