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FaxBack® Service

For the Busy Computer User

USA & Canada: 800-846-4526
International: 605-232-2561

How To Use the GATEWAY®2000 FaxBack® Service

The Gateway 2000 FaxBack® service is a "demand publishing" service. Using a touch-tone phone, you can have documents sent to your fax machine or fax modem.

The system is easy to use:

  1. Call our FaxBack® service by dialing one of the numbers listed above from any touch-tone phone. The System presents you with a main menu. There are two options available on this menu.

    For Customer Support Documents, including Technical Support, press [1].
    For Sales and Marketing (press releases) press [2].

  2. A voice message now prompts you to press the number [1] if you have used the system before, or [2] if you would like to hear a short description of how the system works.
    NOTE: If you go into option 1, you will not be able to order any Sales or Marketing documents. Likewise, if you go into option 2, you won't be able to order any Customer Support documents.

  3. The service now asks you if you to press [1] if you already know the number(s) of the document(s) you wish to order or press [2] if you want to order a catalog of available documents. If this is your first call to the system, or if it's been a while since you used the system, we recommend ordering a catalog.

  4. The system now asks you to enter your fax number followed by the pound [#] key. Enter the area code and number of your fax machine or fax modem. If you are calling from over seas make sure you start the number with 011. After pressing the pound [#] key, the system reads back the number you entered. Press the number [1] if correct, or [2] if you need to re-enter the number.

  5. Now the system asks you to enter either your name or phone number which is placed on the fax cover sheet. Follow the instructions appropriate to the method you wish to use. After entering your name or number, press the pound [#] key.

That's it! In most cases we begin sending the documents immediately, even before you hang up the phone! If your fax line is busy when FaxBack® dials, it makes two more attempts at three-minute intervals. If your fax or fax modem is on the same phone line as the phone you are calling from, hang up as soon as you hear FaxBack® say, "Your order will be sent immediately" to avoid this problem. If the system is processing other requests, you will be told approximately how long it will be before your documents are sent.

If you are using a fax modem, be sure it is set to automatically receive faxes.

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