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RealAudio Player
Download & Installation Instructions

Download the program. When prompted, choose Save to Disk and save the file in a temporary directory. This is the installation program for RealAudio, so please note where you saved it.

Double-click on the program you downloaded.

The RealAudio Player Setup window will open and the licensing agreement will be displayed. You must agree to the license before the Player is installed. Next, you will be asked for your name and company. Then, you will be given the option to select Express or Custom Setup. Selecting Express Setup installs the RealAudio Player in C:\RAPLAYER. If you want to control where and how the player is installed, use Custom Setup. For most of you, it's best and easiest to choose the Express Setup option.

If you are installing the 32-bit Player, then the next dialog box will be a query for a plug-in for Netscape 2.0b2 or later. The Plug-in is a Player that is embedded within the Netscape Web browser.

You will get a message saying that installation is complete and the RealAudio Player will launch and play a welcome message.

Using the player is easy: if you come across a RealAudio file on a webpage, click on it, the file should be played automatically.

For more information about RealAudio, be sure to read our RealAudio article and click on the cow in the headphones who appears on several of our pages.

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