Metalica the Cyber-Mouser...
Dallas the computer K-9!
Gateway must be the "udder way"!
"Man's best friends!"
Great Things Come In Spotted Packages!
And the moral of the story is... buy Gateway computers.
"I don't know why he likes to sleep in the box, he just does. Oh well!!"
Great things come in Black & White, my computer and my Great Dane!!
I heard a rumor these things might come with a mouse...
Hey, this cage is only big enough for one of us, the cow box has to go!
"Harry caught checking out the new computer!"
You Want Milk? Not with Those 'Hands' You Don't!
Ahh, the perfect place for a nest.
I have a "Claws" in my contract - no Gateway, no basketball.
Everywhere I turn in this box, I keep getting more cow paint on me.
Keepers of the Gateway box.
Look Ma...our new two story home! We love Gateway!
See the Balance Gateway Can Add To Your Life!
I get my dinner and you get your Gateway 2000!
"Hey, Mom, we're up here!"
"Gateway to the Stars."
"Yes! My Gateway stocks are up!"
"I have to go potty!"
"Gateway 2000 is tops... paws down!"
"Grrr..get away from my Gateway."
"I heard Gateway 2000 is taking over, but this is ridiculous!"
"Hey who wrote Gateway on my puppy?"
"Moving Day."
"Mom won't let me have a real pet."
"You've got a friend in the box."
"We go together it's my kind."
"I'll try anything to use a Gateway 2000."
"The computer got the kids and all I got was the box!"
"Hat Mouse."
"Just hangin out in the pasture with a Gateway cow."
"Like Max, Gateway is always on top of things."
"Black and white is just so COOL!"
"Where did you say the MMX technology is?"
"You said a picture in a cow box...what's with all these cows?"
"Over the boxes and through the woods to Gateway 2000 I Go!!"
"I found the pentium processor!"