A Mac User's Guide to NEXTSTEP | Information about NextStep that might make the transition from the Mac easier. | |
Apple Flavored Java | Dedicated to the implementation of the Java language on the Apple Macintosh and Power Macintosh platforms. You'll find applets, source, tutorials, information, links, and an interactive discussion area. | |
Apple Open Transport | Web page dedicated to revealing the latest information regarding Open Transport. | |
Apple Software U.S.A. Price List | Pricing list of Apple software available from Claris. | |
ATI XClaim VR | Unofficially supported page for listing information about ATI's XClaim VR graphics card. | |
Avid MCXpress for Macintosh:Tips | Avid Technology's own resource with tips, techniques, and tech notes for MCXpress. | |
Buying A Mac | Site to inform you, the consumer, of which Mac OS compatible computers are currently on the market, and how they compare in terms of price, performance, features, etc. It also gives you a preview of upcoming systems. | |
Common Internet File Formats | Page listing the various file formats that a Mac user is likely to come across on the Internet. Setup in table format describing what they are and how to access them. Handy for new folks to the Internet! | |
Complete Mac Seminars | Group formed to provide training seminars for Apple products. | |
Computer History and Emulation Homepage | Web page dedicated to the history of computing in general with various information on different emulators available for various platforms. | |
MacOS 8 Info Page | Another unofficial web page with information about MacOS 8 along with links to sites also discussing Apple's future operating system. | |
Copland/Gerswin Page | Page dedicated to informing readers about Mac OS 8 and another future Mac OS release with the codename of Gershwin. | |
Cyberdog Technical FAQ | Apple's FAQ on Cyberdog. | |
Designing Learning Environments: Speech Recognition | Site with Applescripts that provide voice-control of many Macintosh Finder functions. | |
DOS Card Compatibility Page | Answers to questions along with tips and information on DOS Cards available for the Macintosh can be found here. | |
DTP Internet Jumplist | Handy site dedicated to desktop publishing with links and information on resources for fonts, clip-art, discussion, and anything else desktop publishing related. | |
Eudora for Macintosh | Unofficial support site for Eudora. Good resource for finding information about Eudora and products that work with Eudora. | |
Free Hand Professional Tips & Tricks | Page dedicated to helping people get the most out of their use of Freehand. The author welcomes any tips and tricks not already listed. | |
Heidsite: Jim Heid's Mac and Multimedia Hangout | Site containing information, tips, and links for Macs and Mac OS-compatible computers, with a particular emphasis on media production: audio and video, and soon, authoring and Web site development. | |
Hypercard Homepage | The Official Unofficial Hypercard Site on the Web. | |
Index to MacPerl Archives | Web Page for letting users search through past MacPerl mailing lists. | |
Internet Servers for Mac OS | Web page listing the various Internet servers available for the Macintosh. | |
Introduction to Apple Easter Eggs | Page with a compilation of secrets that are stuffed inside of your Macintosh or Newton by Apple programmers and engineers normally known as Easter Eggs to the Mac faithful. | |
JB's Duo FAQ | Support page focusing on creating a FAQ for the Duo. | |
Kai's Power Tips and Tricks for Photoshop | The original 23 tips and tricks directly from Kai Krause published on the 'net with permission. | |
Kyle's MacOS Info Page | Web page detailing latest information on the MacOS and where to go for tips and fixes. | |
Law Office Software/Macintosh | Site dedicated to attourneys and other legal professionals who use the Macintosh in their legal practices. | |
LIBMOTO FAQ v1.0 | Motorola's own FAQ about LIBMOTO. | |
LIBMOTO Performance Info | Performance data representing improvements seen while testing the individual functions in LIBMOTO. | |
Mac Clinic | Site full of useful tips for beginners. The author righteously proclaims it as containing "The stuff everyone thinks you know, but nobody tells you". | |
Mac Documentation | Documents discussing the background of the Macintosh System Software, and how the different components work together. | |
Mac PCI | Providing information and links about PCI products that are compatible with the Mac OS. | |
Mac & Money | Place to go for tips and ideas about managing money with a Mac. Plus the site offers the latest news about financial software and related tools for your Mac. | |
Mac-Next FAQ | Web page setup to answer Frequently Asked Questions by Mac users moving to NextStep/OpenStep systems. | |
MacDNS FAQ | Apple's own FAQ for MacDNS. | |
MacFixIt | Very helpful troubleshooting solutions, hints, and tips for the Macintosh. | |
MACINTOSH C HOME PAGE | Macintosh C: A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Macintosh in C. | |
Macintosh Crash Tips | Is you machine a little unstable? This page might help you out. | |
Macintosh Extensions Guide | Handy catalog and descriptions of many of the Mac's control panels and extensions. | |
Macintosh Hints, Tips & Tricks | Page contains information about how to make your Mac platform perform as you never thought it could. | |
Macintosh Motherboard Battery Information | Web page featuring information on how to identify battery problems on your Macintosh and how to replace them. | |
Macintosh PCI Page | Page dedicated to presenting information about PCI-based PowerMacs. | |
Macintosh Point of Sale | Looking for a Point of Sale system that runs on a Macintosh? Look through this page at the many selections available. | |
Macintosh Products Rebate Page | Page maintained by Bottom Line Distribution that keeps a listing in table format of the various rebates offerred by companies selling Macintosh products. | |
Macintosh Speech Recognition | Page dedicated to speech recognition on the Macintosh with recent news and links to files pertaining to this incredible technology. | |
Macintosh Tech Talk | The page for understanding Macintosh Technology. | |
Macintosh Unix Solutions | Web page discussing various flavors of Unix that run or soon will run on the Macintosh hardware. | |
Macintosh/Clone Comparison | Web page with lots of comparisons of PowerMac models to their clones using MacBench as the benchmark application. | |
MACMEDIC VERSION LIST | Handy list showing the current versions of popular programs, utilities, and shareware. | |
MacMom | Site offering very basic tips, links and musings designed to help and inspire women (and others) to use the Macintosh computers they've already bought for the kids or inherited from their friends/relatives. | |
MacPerl FAQ | FTP site with the MacPerl FAQ published by Hal Wine. | |
MacPerl Primer | Primer on how to get started with the programming language MacPerl. | |
MacStats | Site full of details of the Macintosh from bus speeds to the motherboard design for Apple and clone makers' systems. | |
Mac PPP Software Overview | A nice, informative overview of the various flavors of PPP for the Mac and various other resources available for those using PPP for their Internet access. | |
MacSense About this Mac... | Question & Answer area provided by MacSense on various topics related to the Macintosh platform. It might have an answer to that specific question you have about the operations of your Mac. | |
MacSOURCE: RAM Source | Page setup in table form to compare prices of ram from various vendors. Updated regularly! | |
Macs On The Net | Software and info on how to get connected to the 'net. | |
Mactivity | Information for Macintosh Networkers and Webmasters. | |
Made on a Mac | Nice looking site with graphic banners to add to web pages made with Macs. | |
Made With Prograph | Listings of various applications developed with Prograph, a visual programming system from Pictorius Inc. | |
MkLINUX for PowerMacintosh Systems | Resource page dedicated to MkLinux for the PowerMac. | |
Monitor Resolution Solution | A special report on monitor resolution from MaCNN in getting the resolution from an Apple monitor that under normal circumstances doesn't appear doable. | |
MOST | Site dedicated to students and teachers using the MacOS. | |
MPG Memory Price Guide | Shopping for memory for your system? This handy site gets updated regularly so users can see what prices ram is going for at the time. | |
Netscape Chat Online Handbook | Web page providing easy-to-access information about the Netscape Chat application for IRC. | |
Networking Macintosh Computers | Guide full of information that is somewhat outdated yet still contains alot of useful stuff. | |
New PowerBook FAQ Index | FAQ for the 190, 2300, and 5300 PowerBook models. | |
Novell Macintosh Support | Novell's own web page supporting their Macintosh products for use with Netware. | |
O'Grady's PowerPage | Page dedicated to providing news and information centered around PowerBooks. | |
Patching HD SC Setup 7.3.5 | Page with instructions on how to patch HD SC Setup 7.3.5 to allow it to work with non-Apple supplied harddrives. | |
PCI Cards for PowerMac | Page listing manufactures and model numbers of most if not all of the PCI cards for PCI-based Power Macintosh systems. | |
PCI Power Macintosh Software Conflicts | Handy site containing an up-to-date list of programs whose current versions are known to be incompatible with "PCI PowerMacs". | |
Phoenix: Macintosh Repair | Site began as a Docmaker shareware document for providing tips and solutions to repairing problems with your Macintosh. | |
Photoshop Web Reference | Site dedicated to the very popular Adobe Photoshop. It's purpose here is to provide a good web reference for Photoshop, and provide information from broad conceptual background to more subtle techniques. | |
Postforum | The goal of this site is to provide the Macintosh community with a free source of unbiased information about digital video systems and related software. | |
PowerMac Pruning Page | The indispensible guide to what's dispensible on your Mac! | |
PowerMac 6100 Graphics Performance | Interesting reading for those with 6100 series PowerMacs on graphics performance. | |
Power Macintosh 7500 & 8500: Frequently Asked Questions (1/96) | Apple's FAQ for the PowerMac 7500 & 8500. | |
PowerPC Mac Hardware Info Page | Information on the actual hardware that makes up the various models of Power Macs such as which models used which motherboard design. Also includes the many clones that are available. | |
PowerPC microprocessor roadmap | IBM's own page presenting the PowerPC's thus far plus the next few generations. | |
Q and A About OpenTransport | Handy Q&A Reference for Open Transport. | |
ScriptWeb | Nice source of information for Macintosh scripting, focusing on AppleScript and Frontier. | |
System 7.5.3 Bugs | Web page dedicated to covering the latest conflicts and bugs associated with System 7.5.3. | |
System 7.5.3 Tips | Handy web page detailing hints and tips for those users of System 7.5.3. | |
The Complete Conflict Compendium | The on-line database of Mac software incompatibilities. | |
The Cyberdog Pound | Daily news of what's happening with Cyberdog on the Macintosh along with other Opendoc related software. | |
The Generic Icon Page | Web page describing tools, fixes, and tips for working with icons on the MacOS. | |
The History of Apple Computer | Site dedicated to presenting the history of Apple Computer. | |
The IsraMac List Home Page | Israel's Macintosh Users List page describing how to subscribe to its mailing list. | |
The Killer Mac Technology of the Week | Coverage of various Macintosh/Internet related technology published weekly from the folks at Mactivity. | |
The MacBook Home Page | A site dealing with Macintosh related books only that are listed here with reviews as well. | |
The OpenDoc Revolution | A collection of pages dedicated to speading the word about the exciting component technology known as OpenDoc. | |
The Performa Problem Page | Page dedicated to covering problems discovered with the PowerPC Performa series. | |
The Ultimate Memory Guide | Everything you ever wanted to know about memory can be found here. Brought to you by the folks at Kingston Technology Corporation. | |
The Unofficial Macintosh System Modifications page | Page listing parts of the system file and other apple files that can be modified to increase the speed of a system as well as reduce memory requirements. Remember that these modifications are not endorsed by Apple in any way, shape, or form. | |
The Unofficial Turbo 601 Site | Unofficial support site for Daystar's Turbo 601 PowerPC card. | |
The Updater Update | Site dedicated to providing information on the latest software updates that are available to the public. | |
Todd's Mac'References | Mac'Happenings - updated often with useful news and information. | |
Travis Butler's MacPPP Overview | Web page with an overview of the PPP drivers available for the Macintosh. | |
UNIX on Macintosh Compatibles | At this site you'll find current information and software related to UNIX on Macintosh compatibles. | |
Unix on Macs | Nicely laid out web page with information on various flavors of Unix that run or soon will on Macintosh hardware. | |
7200 Graphics Acceleration | Web page with discussion from the page's author about graphics acceleration on the PowerMac 7200. |