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[Image of Virtual i - O Glasses]

Escom - Virtual i - O glasses gateway to Europe

Heppenheim, 28.7.95. Virtual Products GmbH, subsidiary of Escom AG, the second largest computer products manufacturer and one of the largest product retailers in Europe, is the exclusive distributer of the Virtual i - O's i - glasses in Europe. Virtual Products is concentrating on the latest 3D and VR Products, incl. Video and Software.

Virtual i - glasses are a virtual reality headset and weigh only eight ounces. The Product allows users to view everything from computer games and virtual reality environments to television and video programming in full color and hi-fi stereo sound. Virtual i - glasses create the effect of a large virtual screen in front of the viewer. The virtual i - glasses are compatible with personal computers, Amiga, and all major gaming systems including Sega, Nintendo and Sony. It also connects to television and VCRs.

The European PAL Video standard for Virtual i - glasses is exclusively developed and distributed by Escom. Please notice that the US - Version does not fit to the european PAL standard and no service can be provide. The Product is available by european dealers after the first of September 95.

Virtual i - O has made some influential friends lately. IBM and Microsoft have aggreed to support the company's i - glasses. Virtual i - O's headset will be compatible with a large number of future Microsoft Windows 95 and IBM OS/2 games. The Amiga development community also showed interest for the i -glasses. We think that this is the break through of VR. Make your mind move.

See you on the other side.

Harald Engelhardt
Press Department Virtual Products
Tiergartenstrasse 9
64646 Heppenheim
Voice +49 6252 709 756
FAX +49 6252 709 520

 *NEW* Some programming information for the Virtual i - O Glasses as posted by Dr. Peter Kittel of Amiga Technologies.

Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group / cucug@cucug.org