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Australian News from Amiga News Australiasia

[Amiga News Australasia is one of Australia's new Amiga publications.  Its
editor, John Pospisil, also publishes online portions of the magazine for
use in other publications such as ours.  Thanks, John! -Jason]

For a free copy of Amiga News (Australiasia), send a stamped,
self-addressed enevelope to: 

JP Media
3/7 National Ave


DECEMBER 9/12/96  

Megatron sticks by Amiga

The Amiga's Australian distributor, Megatron will not abandon the Amiga,
according to the company's General and New Business Manager, Bob Farrow.
"This is a very frustrating time, but unlike some dealers, we are not
abandoning the product and trading Amigas for PCs,"; he says.

"What we are doing is expanding our Industrial Division and strengthening
the Amiga market and the public's awareness of the Amiga's graphics
capabilities." Farrow sites as an example the work Megatron is doing with
Club Video in Queensland:

"To date Club Video has some 150 units in the field, and with our help, it
will triple that in 1997.  So who can say the Amiga is dead in Australia?"
Farrow also revealed that Megatron not only has the exclusive distributor
rights for Australia, it also has a licence to manufacture Amiga
motherboards in Australia.  "So, if the unthinkable were to happen, we
would take on the manufacturing of the Amiga for our region, and, if I'm
not mistaken, Asia as well."

If the VIScorp deal goes ahead, Farrow promises that Megatron will get
behind its dealer network, "especially those who have remained loyal to the
Amiga platform all these years." Farrow confirmed that Megatron was still
buying Amigas from Amiga Technologies. 

Aust Amiga show in 97

Megatron is planning an Amiga show for Melbourne in the first quarter of
1997.  The show, yet to be named, will encompass both the home and
industrial market.  According to Megatron's General and New Business
Manager, Bob Farrow, the aim of the show will be to "strengthen the Amiga
platform in Australia and ultimately Asia."

Farrow says the show will go ahead regardless of the outcome of the VIScorp
deal.  Megatron wants to talk to all interested parties, and is also
looking for co-sponsors.

Further information: Megatron Electronic Industries, ph (03) 9870 4844,
e-mail rfarrow@gui.com.au.  

Mystery hard disk

One of Australia's leading Amiga Internet sites, Livewire, was recently
donated a hard disk to help it keep its Amiga archives.  However,
Livewire's Ross Delaforce, has a written agreement not to reveal the
identity of the donor: "I believe it might have something to do with a
product launch soon," says Delaforce.  All very mysterious... 

Amiga Development fund in Australia

Australia has it own branch of the Amiga Development Fund.  As reported in
the last issue, the fund has been set up to help finance Amiga software
projects.  In Australia, the fund is represented by Warrick Burgess, who
says he will shortly commence an e-mail campaign to Australian Amiga
software authors.

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment, the hottest Amiga game of 1996, will not be released in
Australia.  Dealers we spoke to said it was no longer viable to import
Amiga games because of a new $350 censorship assessment fee.  Amiga News
thinks this is a great shame.  We're willing to coordinate a shipment of
Capital Punishment (and take care of censorship obligations) to help keep
the Amiga alive.  Any interested dealers interested fax us on 042 674518,
indicating how many copies you're willing to take.  Interested Gamers
should let their local Amiga dealer know what we're trying to do.


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