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Belgian Amiga Site

I have started a new amiga page for belgian people.   Therefore I need all
information there is about happenings, people, clubs, bbs, sites,
home-pages,...   on the amiga in belgium. 

At http://studwww.rug.ac.be/~cfauconn/ami_belg.html you can find an index
of the available information.  There you can choose for amiga users in
Belgium by clicking on users page.

I ask you to fill in the form with some info , so that the list can grow,
and to pass the word around to your friends, ...

If you are a belgian Amiga user , this is the place you were looking for.

Thanks for participating ...



!!!!Don't use the old emailaddress: cfauconn@eduserv.rug.ac.be!!!
BUT: christophe.fauconnier@rug.ac.be

url: http://studwww.rug.ac.be/~cfauconn


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