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SCSI Controller Chip Upgrade

MessageID ......: <199608170145.UAA12905@test.icon-stl.net>
Originally from : Bob Krusinski <bobk@paradigmtech.com>
Originally to ..: WMADDOCK <WMADDOCK@icon-stl.net>
Subject ........: A3000 SCSI Controller ChipAugust 16, 1996~

Gateway Amiga Club

RE: WD33C93A-PL 00-08 SCSI controller chip upgrade

  As you may know, there are several problems that can occur when adding
additional SCSI devices to the SCSI bus on the A3000.  Most common are
random SCSI bus lockups, especially with CD-ROMS and tape drives, and
random checksum errors when copying large files between devices.  These
problems can, in most cases, be attributed to the WD33C93A SCSI controller
chip in the A3000.  Most, if not all, A3000's shipped with the WD33C93A-PL
00-04 chip revision.  This chip had known bugs when multiple devices were
present on the SCSI bus.  With a single device, problems rarely occurred. 
As soon as the user started to add devices to the bus, the problems
mentioned above would start to appear.  The WD33C93A-PL 00-08 chip revision
addresses and fixes the above problems.  I would like your user group to
know that I am a source for this upgrade chip.

  Current asking price is $22.50 (US) per chip but I am reducing that price
to $20.00 (US) per chip for user groups.  An additional 5% discount is
available if 11 or more chips are purchased which would bring the price to
$18.00 (US) per chip.  This price DOES include shipping to anyplace on the
planet.  Cash, check (drawn on a U.S.  bank), or money order (converted to
U.S.  funds) are all acceptable forms of payment.

  Although I have referred to the A3000, this chip also works in the A2091
SCSI controller card, GVP SCSI controller card and any other SCSI
controller card that uses the WD33C93A SCSI controller chip.  Also, I have
recently been informed by Western Digital that they are no longer in the
chip production business.  Fortunately, AMD (Advanced Micro Devices)
manufactures a clone chip which performs as well or slightly better than
the Western Digital chip.  While I am currently unable to obtain any more
of the WD chips, I do have the AMD clone chip.

  On a personal note, before I upgraded my chip, I was unable to complete a
tape backup on my A3000 without a SCSI bus lockup.  Since I upgraded, I've
had zero lockups and have added a CD-ROM and another hard drive.

  If you or any other members of your user group are interested in
upgrading this chip, or if you have any additional questions, I can be
contacted at the following places:

E-Mail:  bobk@paradigmtech.com

Mail:  B. Krusinski
       7556 S.  Madison Circle
       Littleton, Colorado 80122

Fax:  303-292-1812

Thanks for your time.

Sincerely, your fellow Amigan


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