(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
Wonder Computers Tender List
Wonder Computers Tender List
[While the tender deadline outlined in here actually expired before we
could get this issue to print, the results have not yet been announced, and
as mentioned in the letter, the liquidators do not necessarily have to sell
the goods in this fashion. So the information may still be relevant to
interested parties... -Jason]
Lots of Amiga equipment
Notice of Sale by Tender
Assets of Wonder Computers, Inc.
Sealed tenders will be recieved by the undersigned until 2:00 o'clock in
the afternoon EST, Thursday March 28, 1996 for the purchase of the
Trustee's right, title and interest in the following assets:
Listing of parcels available can be obtained from Ernst & Young Inc.
Tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to Ernst & Young
Inc. for 15% of the amount of the tender price as a deposit which will be
returned if the tender is not accepted and forfeited to the undersigned on
account of liquidated damages is accepted and the sale is not accepted by
the tenderer. The balance of the tender price will be payable by certified
cheque or banker's draft on closing. Tenders may be made for individual
parcels or en bloc but en bloc tenders must stipulate a separate price for
each parcel.
Tecnders will only be accepted in sealed envelopes, clearly marked "Tender
Wonder Computers Inc."
The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
All tenders shall be subject to the Conditions of Sale which shall form
part thereof ad amy be obtained from the undersigned.
Notice is hereby given that the conditions set forth under Rule114(8) of
the General rules under the Bankruptcy Act apply to this sale subject to
additions, modifications ot omissions in whole or in part in the Conditions
of the Sale drawn up by the Trustee.
The assets may be inspected on Wed. March 20 and Monday March 25, 1996 and
an arrangement for an inspection time should be made with the Trustee.
Tenders will be opened and announced on Thursday March 28, 1996 at 4:00PM
at the office of the Trustee at 55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1600, Ottawa and
all tenderers are invited to attend.
A more detailed description of the assets may be obtained by contacting Ms.
Nicoletta Chow or Mr. Damian Papps at telephone 613-232-1511.
Trustee in Bankruptcy of Wonder Computers Inc.
Suite 1600, 55 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 6L5
Fax: 613-232-5324
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