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CU Amiga Magazine


CU Amiga Magazine


A monthly printed Amiga magazine published in London, England.


Address:    CU Amiga Magazine
            EMAP Images
            30-32 Farringdon Lane
            London, EC1R 3AU
            United Kingdom.


Telephone:  +44-(0)171-9726700
Fax:        +44-(0)171-9726703


Telephone:  +44-(0)171-9726700
Fax:        +44-(0)171-9726719

Ask for CU Amiga *advertising*.


ABC certified to 55,789 from January to Jun 1995.

Approximately 10-12,000 of this was out of the UK.


The issue is split into 4 sections of 32 pages making a total of 128 pages
though it may change from time to time.

Section 1; Contents, editorial, technical disk contents, Game disk
contents, News, Games news, coverdisk tutorial and lead feature(s).

Section 2; Games previews and reviews.  Technical section introduction and
contents and some technical coverage.

Section 3; Hardware and productivity software reviews.  PD Scene and PD
Utilities reviews.  Art gallery and CD-ROM round-up.

Section 4; [Superbright] Workshop introduction, A variety of tutorials
running as part of a series.  Comms coverage, Sound Lab, back issues,
subscriptions.  FAQ section, Q+A masterclass and Q&A.  Backchat, Points of
View and next month preview.


CU Amiga Magazine is normally published with two DD floppy disks cover
mounted.  Generally one will be some form of game demo(s) and the other
some commercial productivity package for which we have become famous such
as Directory Opus 4, Imagine FX 1.5, PageStream 2.2 and Imagine 3.0.  This
usually includes special upgrade deals to the latest version of the
package.  Tutorials for the packages will run in the following months.



United Kingdom - #4.25
United States  - $9.95
Canada         - #12.95
Italy          - L16,000
Austria        - ASCH 170
Belgium        - BFR 380


United Kingdom and BFPO         - #51.00
Rest of world via surface       - #61.00
Airmail to Europe               - #71.00
Airmail to rest of World        - #112.00

Available from; Tower Publishing, Tower House, Sovereign Park, Lathkill
Street, Market Harbrough, LE16 9EF. 

Subscription and back issues telephone: +44-(0)1858-468888


For the latest details on what E-mail boxes are available, finger

There is no WWW site at this time.

Note: Advertising, back issues and subscriptions have NO E-Mail access so
please do not direct your enquires in those areas to our services.


CU Amiga Magazine maintains two E-mail mailing lists in order to correspond
directly which the public and provide stimulating conferences out of which
ideas and criticisms for the magazine can be raised.

One list is an announce group which is a read-only group.  You can't post
to this group and it's a very low traffic group.  A text file of the
contents pages will be posted monthly along with other important
announcements.  It's known as 'cu-announce'.

The second is a two-way discussion group with a medium traffic.  You may
post to this list and converse directly with staff and other readers about
the magazine etc.  It's known as 'cu-amiga'.

You can subscribe or unsubscribe to the mailing lists by sending a single
line E-mail to listserv@cu-amiga.demon.co.uk.  The single line should
consist of the following.

ADD cu-amiga

for the two way discussion list.

ADD cu-announce

for the read-only announce list.

For further information, send HELP to the listserver.

Note posts to the cu-amiga list go to cu-amiga@cu-amiga.demon.co.uk and
listserver E-mails go to listserv@cu-amiga.demon.co.uk!


I'm a staff writer for CU Amiga Magazine and I'm responsible for much of
our coverage of the technical side of things.


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