hide random home http://www.cucug.org/amiga/aminews/970625-sadeness.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

Sadeness Software Offers to Make You a Star!

In an innovative, original move, Sadeness Software are giving you the chance to STAR in the forthcoming Amiga game sensation - Foundation !

Yes, its true! To be a featured in the game as either a Peasant or Maiden, simply follow the instructions on http://www.sadeness.demon.co.uk/foundation-mugshot.html

and follow the simple instructions! You'll need a passport photo-style scanned image of yourself, and your name. Anyway, all the relevant information is on the web site.

I look forward to seeing you all!

Kristian Phillips / Sadeness Software

Sadeness Software Hidden Truth Women of the Web Games CDROMs
http://www.sadeness.demon.co.uk/ kris@kphil.demon.co.uk

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