hide random home http://www.cucug.org/amiga/aminews/970422-blom.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

AHI Audio System Version 4 Released


Linkoping, Sweden (April 22, 1997) - Martin Blom announced today the availability of the AHI Audio System version 4, the retargetable audio standard for AmigaOS. With this release AHI has grown from being mainly a developer tool to a professional and user friendly product no one owning a sound card can live without.

AHI has quickly become a de facto standard, and has hardware drivers for the built-in sound hardware (Paula) as well as most of the available sounds cards for the Amiga and DraCo computers. The system allows fast mixing of up to 128 virtual sound channels in realtime, and can also be used for non-realtime rendering in 32 bit quality with linear interpolation and mixing frequencies up to 96 kHz.

"Commodore or Amiga Technologies should have written a better audio system years ago, but never did", Martin said. "Since nobody else did either I decided to give it a try, and I am very satisfied with the result."

It's not only the author who is excited about AHI:

"AHI is the greatest thing since sliced toast, finally our DraCo is no longer a mute! When people realize what AHI is about it will be as big as CybergraphX. It's time we got rid of the 8-bit audio limit! Great work Martin!" -- Johan Otterstrom, Orebro Videoreklam

"Finally there's a powerful retargetable audio standard for Amiga" -- Thomas Wenzel, A.C.T. (designers of the Prelude soundcard)

Sound card except Paula supported by AHI: Aura, Delfina DSP, Draco Motion, Prelude, Toccata and Wavetools. AHI is available free of charge from http://www.lysator.liu.se/~lcs/ahi.html Martin Blom can be reached via E-mail at lcs@lysator.liu.se.

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