hide random home http://www.blackdown.org/~hwb/co_Att6300Taxan.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

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AT&T 6300 Taxan Monitor

8 PIN DIN (DIN45326) FEMALE (At the Monitor)

8 PIN DIN (DIN45326) FEMALE at the Monitor.

Pin Name Description
1 TEXT Special TEXT signal (??)
2 R Red
3 G Green
4 B Blue
5 I Intensity
6 GND Signal Ground
7 HSYNC/CSYNC Horizontal or Composite Sync
8 VSYNC Vertical Sync
Contributor: Joakim Ögren
Source: Tommy's pinout Collection by Tommy Johnson
Please send any comments to Joakim Ögren.