hide random home http://www.be.com/documentation/shell_tools/man1/sleep.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

       sleep - delay for a specified amount of time


       sleep [--help] [--version] number[smhd]...


       This  manual  page  documents  the  GNU  version of sleep.
       sleep pauses for an amount of time specified by the sum of
       the  values  of the command line arguments.  Each argument
       is a number followed by an optional unit; the  default  is
       seconds.  The units are:

       s      seconds

       m      minutes

       h      hours

       d      days

       --help Print  a  usage message on standard output and exit

              Print version information on standard  output  then
              exit successfully.

Release 1.1d7 of the Be OS

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