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The Interface Kit: BBitmap

Derived from: public BArchivable

Declared in: <interface/Bitmap.h>


A BBitmap object is a container for an image bitmap; it stores pixel data--data that describes an image pixel by pixel. The class provides a way of specifying a bitmap from raw data, and also a way of creating the data from scratch using the Interface Kit graphics mechanism.

BBitmap functions manage the bitmap data and provide information about it. However, they don't do anything with the data. Placing the image somewhere so that it can be seen is the province of BView functions--such as DrawBitmap() and DragMessage()--not this class.

Bitmap Data

An image bitmap records the color values of pixels within a rectangular area. The pixels in the rectangle, as on the screen, are arranged in rows and columns. The data is specified in rows, beginning with the top row of pixels in the image and working downward to the bottom row. Each row of data is aligned on a long word boundary and is read from left to right.

New BBitmap objects are constructed with two pieces of information that prepare them to store bitmap data--a bounds rectangle and a color space. For example, this code

   BRect rect(0.0, 0.0, 79.0, 39.0);
   BBitmap *image = new BBitmap(rect, B_COLOR_8_BIT);

constructs a bitmap of 40 rows and 80 pixels per row. Each pixel is specified by an 8-bit color value.

The Bounds Rectangle

A BBitmap's bounds rectangle serves two purposes:

If a BBitmap object enlists BViews to create the bitmap data, it must have a bounds rectangle with (0.0, 0.0) at the left top corner.

The Color Space

The color space of a bitmap determines its depth (how many bits of information are stored for each pixel) and its interpretation (what the data values mean). These five color spaces are currently defined:


Currently, bitmap data is stored only in the B_RGB_32_BIT, B_COLOR_8_BIT, and B_MONOCHROME_1_BIT color spaces. The B_GRAYSCALE_8_BIT and B_RGB_16_BIT color spaces are not used at the present time.

In the B_RGB_32_BIT color space, the color of each pixel is specified by its red, green, and blue components. In the B_COLOR_8_BIT color space, colors are specified as byte indices into the color map. In the B_MONOCHROME_1_BIT color space, a value of 1 means black and 0 means white. (A more complete description of the five color spaces can be found under Colors of the introduction to this chapter.)

Specifying the Image

BBitmap objects begin life empty. When constructed, they allocate sufficient memory to store an image of the size and color space specified. However, the memory isn't initialized. The actual image must be set after construction. This can be done by explicitly assigning pixel values with the SetBits() function:

   image->SetBits(rawData, numBytes, 0, COLOR_8_BIT);

In addition to this function, BView objects can be enlisted to produce the bitmap. Views are assigned to a BBitmap object just as they are to a BWindow (by calling the AddChild() function). In reality, the BBitmap sets up a private, off-screen window for the views. When the views draw, the window renders their output into the bitmap buffer. The rendered image has the same format as the data captured by the SetBits() function. SetBits() and BViews can be used in combination to create a bitmap.

The BViews that construct a bitmap behave a bit differently than the BViews that draw in regular windows:

So that you can manage the BViews that are assigned to a BBitmap, the BBitmap class duplicates a number of BWindow functions--such as AddChild(), FindView(), and ChildAt().

A BBitmap that enlists views to produce the bitmap consumes more system resources than one that relies solely on SetBits(). Therefore, by default, BBitmaps refuse to accept BViews. If BViews will be used to create bitmap data, the BBitmap constructor must be informed so that it can set up the off-screen window and prepare the rendering mechanism.


Color bitmaps can have transparent pixels. When the bitmap is imaged in a drawing mode other than B_OP_COPY, its transparent pixels won't be transferred to the destination view. The destination image will show through wherever the bitmap is transparent.

To introduce transparency into a B_COLOR_8_BIT bitmap, a pixel can be assigned a value of B_TRANSPARENT_8_BIT. In a B_RGB_32_BIT bitmap, a pixel can be assigned the special value of B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT. (Or B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT can be made the high or low color of the BView drawing the bitmap.)

Transparency is covered in more detail under Drawing Modes of the chapter introduction.

See also: system_colors()

Constructor and Destructor


      BBitmap(BRect bounds, color_space space, 
         bool acceptsViews = false, bool needsContiguousMemory = false) 
      BBitmap(BMessage *archive) 

Initializes the BBitmap to the size and internal coordinate system implied by the bounds rectangle and to the depth and color interpretation specified by the space color space.

This function allocates enough memory to store data for an image the size of bounds at the depth required by space, but does not initialize any of it. All pixel data should be explicitly set using the SetBits() function, by copying it to the address returned by Bits(), or by enlisting BViews to produce the bitmap. If BViews are to be used, the constructor must be informed by setting the acceptsViews flag to true. This permits it to set up the mechanisms for rendering the image, including an off-screen window to contain the views.

If the needsContiguousMemory flag is true, the BBitmap will make sure that the memory it allocates is one contiguous chunk. This should matter only to drivers doing direct DMA into physical memory. If the flag is false, as it is by default, allocated memory may or may not be contiguous.

Currently, only B_RGB_32_BIT, B_COLOR_8_BIT, and B_MONOCHROME_1_BIT are acceptable as the color space mode. B_RGB_16_BIT is not supported for the present release and B_GRAYSCALE_8_BIT is reinterpreted as B_COLOR_8_BIT.

If the BBitmap accepts BViews, the left and top sides of its bounds rectangle must be located at 0.0.


      virtual ~BBitmap(void)

Frees all memory allocated to hold image data, deletes any BViews used to create the image, gets rid of the off-screen window that held the views, and severs the BBitmap's connection to the Application Server.

Static Functions


      static BBitmap *Instantiate(BMessage *archive) 

Returns a new BBitmap object, allocated by new and created with the version of the constructor that takes a BMessage archive. However, if the archive doesn't contain data for a BBitmap object, Instantiate() returns NULL.

See also: BArchivable::Instantiate(), instantiate_object(), Archive()

Member Functions


      virtual void AddChild(BView *aView)

Adds aView to the hierarchy of views associated with the BBitmap, attaching it to an off-screen window (one created by the BBitmap for just this purpose) by making it a child of the window's top view. If aView already has a parent, it's removed from that view hierarchy and adopted into this one. A view can serve only one window at a time.

Like AddChild() in the BWindow class, this function calls the BView's AttachedToWindow() function to inform it that it now belongs to a view hierarchy. Every view that descends from aView also becomes attached to the BBitmap's off-screen window and receives its own AttachedToWindow() notification.

AddChild() fails if the BBitmap was not constructed to accept views.

See also: BWindow::AddChild(), BView::AttachedToWindow(), RemoveChild(), the BBitmap constructor


      virtual status_t Archive(BMessage *archive, bool deep = true) const

Archives the BBitmap by recording its bounds rectangle and color space in the BMessage archive along with the bitmap data. If the deep flag is true and the BBitmap employs BViews to produce the image, it also archives all the BView objects.

See also: BArchivable::Archive(), Instantiate() static function


      void *Bits(void) const

Returns a pointer to the bitmap data. The data lies in memory shared by the application and the Application Server. The length of the data can be obtained by calling BitsLength()--or it can be calculated from the height of the bitmap (the number of rows) and the number of bytes per row.

A B_RGB_32_BIT bitmap holds the data in an internal format that's most natural for screen display devices. In this format, the color components are ordered BGRA (blue, green, red, alpha).

See also: Bounds(), BytesPerRow(), BitsLength()


      int32 BitsLength(void) const

Returns the number of bytes that were allocated to store the bitmap data.

See also: Bits(), BytesPerRow()


      BRect Bounds(void) const

Returns the bounds rectangle that defines the size and coordinate system of the bitmap. This should be identical to the rectangle used in constructing the object.

See also: the BBitmap constructor


      int32 BytesPerRow(void) const

Returns how many bytes of data are required to specify a row of pixels. For example, a monochrome bitmap (one bit per pixel) 80 pixels wide would require twelve bytes per row (96 bits). The extra sixteen bits at the end of the twelve bytes are ignored. Every row of bitmap data is aligned on a long word boundary.

ChildAt(), CountChildren()

      BView *ChildAt(int32 index) const

      int32 CountChildren(void) const

ChildAt() returns the child BView at index, or NULL if there's no child at index. Indices begin at 0 and count only BViews that were added to the BBitmap (added as children of the top view of the BBitmap's off-screen window) and not subsequently removed.

CountChildren() returns the number of BViews the BBitmap currently has. (It counts only BViews that were added directly to the BBitmap, not BViews farther down the view hierarchy.)

These functions fail if the BBitmap wasn't constructed to accept views.

See also: BWindow::ChildAt(), BView::Parent()


      color_space ColorSpace(void) const

Returns the color space of the data being stored (not necessarily the color space of the data passed to the SetBits() function). Once set by the BBitmap constructor, the color space doesn't change.

The color_space data type is defined in interface/InterfaceDefs.h and is explained on page 26 of the introduction to this chapter.

See also: the BBitmap constructor

CountChildren() see ChildAt()


      BView *FindView(BPoint point) const
      BView *FindView(const char *name) const

Returns the BView located at point within the bitmap or the BView tagged with name. The point must be somewhere within the BBitmap's bounds rectangle, which must have the coordinate origin, (0.0, 0.0), at its left top corner.

If the BBitmap doesn't accept views, this function fails. If no view draws at the point given, or no view associated with the BBitmap has the name given, it returns NULL.

See also: BView::FindView()


      bool IsValid(void) const

Returns true if there's memory for the bitmap (if the address returned by Bits() is valid), and false if not.

See also: Bits()

Lock(), Unlock()

      bool Lock(void)

      void Unlock(void)

These functions lock and unlock the off-screen window where BViews associated with the BBitmap draw. Locking works for this window and its views just as it does for ordinary on-screen windows.

Lock() returns false if the BBitmap doesn't accept views or if its off-screen window is unlockable (and therefore unusable) for some reason. Otherwise, it doesn't return until it has the window locked and can return true.

See also: BLooper::Lock() in the Application Kit


      virtual bool RemoveChild(BView *aView)

Removes aView from the hierarchy of views associated with the BBitmap, but only if aView was added to the hierarchy by calling BBitmap's version of the AddChild() function.

If aView is successfully removed, RemoveChild() returns true. If not, it returns false.

See also: AddChild()


      void SetBits(const void *data, int32 length, int32 offset, color_space mode)

Assigns length bytes of data to the BBitmap object. The new data is copied into the bitmap beginning offset bytes (not pixels) from the start of allocated memory. To set data beginning with the first (left top) pixel in the image, the offset should be 0; to set data beginning with, for example, the sixth pixel in the first row of a B_RGB_32_BIT image, the offset should be 20. The offset counts any padding required to align rows of data.

The source data is specified in the mode color space, which may or may not be the same as the color space that the BBitmap uses to store the data. If not, the following conversions are automatically made:

Colors may be dithered in a conversion to B_COLOR_8_BIT so that the resulting image will match the original as closely as possible, despite the lost information.

If the color space mode is B_RGB_32_BIT, the data should be triplets of three 8-bit components--red, green, and blue, in that order--without an alpha component. Although stored as 32-bit quantities with the components in BGRA order, the input data is only 24 bits in RGB order. Rows of source data do not need to be aligned.

However, if the source data is in any mode other than B_RGB_32_BIT, padding must be added so that each row is aligned on a int32 word boundary.

This function works for all BBitmaps, whether or not BViews are also enlisted to produce the image.

See also: Bits()

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Last modified June 28, 1997.