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Application APIs

You can extend some Be applications by providing them with add-on modules, which they will load and integrate into the set of features they provide for the user. Currently, the Browser is the only Be application with a public API for add-on extensions.

The Browser

The Browser can accept add-on modules that deal with database records and that can be invoked from menu items to carry out discrete tasks. The modules should be compiled as add-on images (described in The Kernel Kit chapter), and should be placed in the /system/add-ons/Browser directory.

The Browser will create an item for its Add-Ons menu with the same name as the add-on file. If the name ends in a hyphen plus one character, that character will be the keyboard shortcut for the item. For example, if the file is

/system/add-ons/Browser/Recede in Time-r

the Browser will add a "Recede in Time" item to its Add-Ons menu and assign it Commandr as a keyboard shortcut. The shortcut should not conflict with any that the Browser already uses.

The Browser loads the add-on module whenever the user operates the item. The add-on must provide the Browser with a single entry point, a function named process_refs() . It has the following syntax:

      void process_refs(record_ref directory, BMessage *message, void *data)

The directory is a reference to the directory the Browser is currently displaying in the active window. The message is a standard B_REFS_RECEIVED BMessage. It has a "refs" entry with record_refs for all the items in the directory that are currently selected. The data argument is unused at present; ignore it.

After it loads the add-on image, the Browser creates a thread for it and calls its process_refs() function in that thread. When process_refs() returns, the Browser unloads the image. The add-on should make sure that any additional threads that it spawned are destroyed before it returns--especially any windows it displayed to the user.

< The Browser invokes process_refs() each time the user operates the menu item. If the user operates the item a second time before the first invocation of process_refs() returns, two instances of the function will be executing, each in its own thread. Unfortunately, when either instance returns, the Browser will unload the add-on image, leading to predictable undesired consequences. This is a known bug that will be repaired in a future release. >

To compile the add-on image, follow the directions for shared libraries in the Metrowerks CodeWarrior manual. In summary, you should specify the following options to the linker:

      #pragma export on
      void process_refs(record_ref dir, BMessage *msg, void *data)
          . . .
      #pragma export off

This gives the Browser the access it needs to call the function.

You can link the module against the system library; you shouldn't link it against the Browser.

Once compiled, place the module in the /system/add-ons/Browser directory, as discussed above. This is the only place the Browser looks for modules to load.

The Be Book, HTML Edition, for Developer Release 8 of the Be Operating System.

Copyright © 1996 Be, Inc. All rights reserved.

Be, the Be logo, BeBox, BeOS, BeWare, and GeekPort are trademarks of Be, Inc.

Last modified September 6, 1996.