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Be Newsletter

Issue 11, February 21, 1996

Table of Contents


By Cyril Meurillon, Software Engineer

C++ makes programming applications fun and efficient through the use of objects. Multithreading operating systems make computers more responsive because applications can be divided into independent tasks. The mixing of the two is natural in modern computers such as the BeBox.

In the programming model of the Be Operating System(TM), applications spawn threads that create and share global objects such as windows and views. This is both very powerful and dangerous. The different threads of an application are running simultaneously, and one of them may destroy a shared object at any time. The other threads will keep trying to use the destroyed object, which is problematic, unless special precautions are taken. There are two solutions to the problem.

The first solution is to use unique IDs as object identifiers. The validity of the object is checked whenever it is used, and an error is returned if the object has been destroyed. It is then up to the thread to deal with the error. Unfortunately, C++ uses pointers as object identifiers, which aren't unique IDs as they may be recycled. This is consequently not a solution that can be considered when programming for the Be OS(TM).

The second solution is somehow to synchronize the threads whenever a shared object is destroyed. For example, one can think of a scheme where threads receive a death notification, so that they can remember not to use the object any more. This is the kind of solution that a Be developer would adopt. Note that the implementation of such a scheme is the entire responsibility of the developer. But here are a couple examples.

Let's start with the Database Kit. BRecord objects implicitly refer to the BDatabase object associated with a volume. There is only one instance of this BDatabase object per team, which is shared by all the threads of the team. Everything is fine until the volume is unmounted. When this happens, the main application thread is sent a synchronous notification message, and then the BDatabase object is destroyed. But what about the other threads of the team? If one tries to instantiate a BRecord given a record_ref after the database has been destroyed, it is safe. The BRecord constructor will simply report an error. A record_ref is a unique ID that can be checked when a BRecord is created. But if the thread has already created the BRecord object when the database is destroyed, then things get more complicated. A BRecord object may stop functioning any time of its life, because the underlying BDatabase object goes away. You can't assume any BRecord method call will succeed, even after the object has been created and the record read in. Errors must be checked and dealt with absolutely everywhere. This makes programming especially difficult and unpleasant -- something C++ isn't supposed to be.

What's the solution? The Browser solves this problem in an interesting way. When the main Browser thread receives an unmount notification, it synchronously broadcasts it to all its windows. On reception of this message, all the Browser window threads can safely dispose of BRecords associated with the volume going off-line. This ensures that a thread can safely use a BRecord during each cycle through the event loop.

We see that great care should be taken. The only safe use of a BRecord object is in the context of an event-driven thread. BRecord objects can't be used in a thread that isn't event-driven (for example, a compute-intensive thread), because the underlying BDatabase object may be destroyed asynchronously.

Now let's consider the Application Kit. The BLooper object offers the Lock() and Unlock() methods so different threads can share an object safely. Whenever a thread accesses a BLooper, it must lock it. The thread can unlock it when it is done with the access.

Let's imagine two threads, A and B, sharing a BWindow object (which derives from BLooper). Thread A destroys the window and then thread B wants to access it. B invokes the Lock() method on the destroyed window (note that Lock() isn't a virtual function). The method invocation is simply a function call. No virtual table lookup is necessary, which is fortunate because the object doesn't exist any more. But you must admit that the idea of invoking a method on an object that doesn't exist any more is a little troublesome. The first thing that Lock() does is to safely check whether the 'this' pointer is a valid BLooper object. If it isn't, Lock() reports an error. If it is, Lock() carefully locks the object.

All this seems perfectly safe. But it isn't. Lock() catches all cases of invalid pointers. But what if the pointer becomes valid again? Pointers aren't unique IDs, and one can reasonably think of a new window being allocated at the same place as the old one. The new window would get locked, while the thread wanted to lock the old one. We see that Lock() is successful at serializing all accesses to a shared BLooper as long as the object isn't destroyed.

The solution, once again, is to synchronously broadcast a message to all the threads of the team to notify tell them that the object has been destroyed. This prevents the use of such objects in threads that aren't event-driven, but allows safe sharing of objects among the different threads.


By Michel Safars, CEO, Mipsys-France

The company I run, Mipsys, specializes in videoconferencing software and industrial data acquisition and treatment. We also work with Echelon's LonWorks field bus technology in industrial and building automation. We do a lot of engineering development but we also produce products for other companies and for Mipsys itself.

I first met Jean-Louis in the USA back in the early 1990s to talk about "la pluie et le beau temps" [the rain and the good times]. A few minutes later, I was very surprised to see him leave the room and come back with an NDA (nondisclosure agreement).

I didn't want to have any confidential information at first, but Jean-Louis insisted. So I signed up.

He showed me the BeBox project. I was very happy to see that most of the best technologies were already in the machine, as well as some very smart operating system features, such as multiprocessing, an integrated database, and real-time capabilities.

Fourteen years ago, I started my computer life with the Apple II and I remember how useful the joystick port was for small home or laboratory experiments in many fields. So I offered to add some built-in data acquisition capabilities. Jean-Louis immediately agreed to the idea. But at that time, Be discontinued the Hobbit-based BeBox and started redesigning the BeBox with PowerPC processors. By redesigning the machine, it was now possible to include the GeekPort(TM), a set of parallel and analog input/output connections. Including the GeekPort in the machine would allow any user to have all types of functionalities that were particularly useful for home automation, laboratories, or geek use!

Now that the hardware was going to be done directly by Be, Jean-Louis called me and asked me to think about software to control the GeekPort.

I had been dreaming of software for home automation and independent geek use for a long time. For years I had observed software evolving and becoming more user-friendly, but it happened slowly. Just as the Mac OS compared to its predecessors, I wanted something really more friendly. This was certainly not easy either to imagine or to develop.

With the help of Raphael Moll and Olivier Coudert, Mipsys invented a new software environment we named GeekPlayer. GeekPlayer is a special BeBox software environment for easily developing applications that control all kinds of experiments. We were the very first European developer to work on the BeBox, and our whole team is proud of that, because we truly believe the BeBox will become a widely used and useful computer. In this adventure we always did the best we could. We appreciate this creative and constructive way of doing business.

By joining BeBox developers you will certainly find one of the best ways to create, invent, and do good work. I also encourage European developers to participate actively and develop new original applications that take advantage of the BeBox.

I benefit from writing this article to say that we work in the videoconferencing field as well. If you are interested in working with us, just call me or send me e-mail at mipsysad@imaginet.fr.

Have fun, and let the creative spirit be with you.

GeekPlayer will soon be available on the Net!


By Jean-Louis Gassée

"What about Java? What do you think about it and what are your plans for it?" I'm often asked these questions on-line and in person and this is a place to begin answering them.

First, programming languages. I'm agnostic -- or practical. Currency, for me, is the big determinant. If the language is in wide circulation, well-supported by toolsmiths, well-abused by programmers, I embrace it wholeheartedly. Do you think C++ is lovable? Unless you're into SM (Software Masochism), probably not. But it has currency. At this stage it has become the lingua franca of our business -- just as English has become the world's communication vernacular. Do we think of BASIC as an elegant language? In the old Sears and Roebuck sense of style, perhaps -- I mean this in the comfortable, familiar, no-nonsense style of the old catalog of tools. Microsoft understood this and were very clever in making Visual Basic such a success.

I've been involved in decades of language arguments. Always interesting, even more so if you understand my culture of birth, where we enjoy nothing more than an intellectual argument -- about wines or movies, or about APL, ADA, and Pascal. We even have existentialist cab drivers. But in the end, one set of circumstances or another, English colonies or Bell Labs and UNIX give a language wide circulation and momentum.

So what about Java in this frame of reference? It's mostly good news. I don't know if we should equate Sun with Bell Labs and, if I can twist the metaphor a little bit, it looks like there is a revolt afoot against the United Kingdom of Microsoft. I sense a great deal of the energy propelling Java as being anti-Microsoft. It's probably unavoidable now that Microsoft's size and power make the polarization easy, but it shouldn't be confused with what Java does for programmers and users -- even if one of Java's touted benefits is avoiding the dire consequences of a one-standard world dominated by Microsoft. I come from a company that made one great ad in 1984, introducing the Macintosh as a way to break Big Brother IBM's domination. And yes, recently, some wags have pasted Bill Gates' picture into the ad. Great ad, one of the greatest. It only helps a little in a long, complex battle.

So what about Java itself and the strategy to make it the Web's C++? It looks promising. Close to home, Metrowerks will ship Java tools on the next CodeWarrior CD and there are several efforts afoot to write a Java interpreter on the BeBox. The known limitations of Java are being addressed. Just-in-time compilers will deal with some of the performance issues, and enterprising programmers are already perverting the "standard," producing deviant extensions. Just as with human languages, barbarisms and neologisms are a sign of acceptance; people's desires are channeled into it, unnatural acts result in a robust life form, as in the Greek roots of the word "hybrid."

A few things remain to unfold. One of them is Sun's real plans. For many years I have admired Sun's skills at ideological warfare, at getting airtime, saying one thing and doing another. For instance, Sun has been very good at preaching the open systems gospel. In the end they have a proprietary offering of hardware and software, which they call an industry standard. When I see them promoting Java as an industry standard and announcing a little later they'll produce hardware to run Java really well, I'm interested. Are they using their considerable persuasive powers to promote a standard, channel into it the energy of many, with the intent of controlling their own "better" version of it? Come to think of it, isn't this the game Netscape plays with HTML and Navigator?

The other factor still to play out is Microsoft's OCX (OCs as they're newly called, standing for OLE Controls), objects -- or applets in the Windows/OLE world. Now, Java's most compelling feature is platform-independent distribution of applications over the Net, a very attractive idea. What Microsoft will say is: OK, in theory you can do that with Java (to the best of my knowledge, they still haven't executed the letter of intent to license Java) for 100 percent of the machines connected to the Net. But in practice, you can do that with OCs for 90 percent of the clients, without having to trade off simplicity or performance for the other 10 percent. An interesting argument, one that only reinforces the fears of Microsoft domination -- but one that needs consideration nonetheless.

Here at Be, we all look forward to the emergence of Java as a successful independent standard, more like the Internet and C++, adopted by many and controlled by no one.

Be There! First Firebug User's Group Meeting in the Seattle Area

Don't forget!

The First Firebug User's Group meeting will be held in the Seattle area on Saturday, February 24, 1996, in Bellingham, Washington (midway between Vancouver Seattle).

If you're interested in attending (space may be limited), send e-mail with the subject line "I Wanna C Be" to Firebug@abiogenesis.com and state how many people will be attending.

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